Default Traces

Traces are the reminders for Skyware System managers and users. These include notifications of upcoming stays, and Tasks or Next Steps, any jobs that need to be taken care of, particularly related to any Functions or Events. They are based on Trace Date fields found throughout Skyware. (Trace fields may be found on the Other tab of the Guest Information or Group Account screen, Additional Names and Servies tab of the Stay Screen, Contacts/Services tab of the Group Block Screen, and the Sales Calls Screen). When trace information is entered, a reminder will appear in the user's Personal Trace Calendar based on the trace date selected.

Default Traces allow you to AUTOMATICALLY add an entry to the Trace Calendar for a designated manager or user when a particular action is triggered, according to your designated set of parameters.

Your Property may have default traces set up to remind someone to send out satisfactions surveys to guests after they have stayed with you, the trace automatically appearing a certain amount of time after check out. You may wish to use a default trace to ensure guest service packets get delivered, the trace appearing 30 days before the guest arrival date as a reminder to do so. You may even set a default trace to remind your staff to check the pick ups for a Group Block 60 days out, 45 days out, and 30 days out from the expected arrival date to ensure you can release your room blocks on time. Default traces can be a useful tool in ensuring your Property never misses a step, enabling you to use Skyware efficiently and effectively.

The Default Traces command is part of the Sales and Catering Configuration Menu area. The Sales and Catering Configuration Menu commands allow you to utilize your Sales and Catering Module to its fullest potential and manage your functions or events in a concise, cohesive manner.

If your Property does not currently have our Sales and Catering Module and you are interested in adding it, please contact us at

The Sales and Catering Configuration Menu area is part of the Property and System Configuration area of Skyware Systems. You may edit the configuration to suit your Property at any time if you have the appropriate access/authorization.



Date Updated May 06, 2021